We hope you will join us in celebrating National Tree Day on 26th July by planting a tree in your backyard.
Plant deciduous shade trees on the north or western side of your house if you want to get protection in summer and let the light and warmth in during winter. Make sure the tree is the right size for your garden and it’s roots won’t interfere with your plumbing or foundations. We can’t tell you how often we have to remove trees because they were put in the wrong spot to begin with. Watering your trees for a couple of hours a week in summer will encourage strong, deep roots which are less likely to cause problems with infrastructure.
Here’s some deciduous trees we love:
- Magnolias – personal favourites include M. Denudata, M. Campbelli, M Stellata have the most beautiful flowers in spring.
- Pyrus – Pyrus ussuriensis or Manchurian Pear and Pyrus calleryana are both beautiful trees with lovely autumn colour.
- Malus ioensis ‘Plena’ and ‘Rubra’ aka Crab apples have beautiful spring blossom and autumn colour.
- Gleditsia – Our favourite for soft shade and pretty foliage.
- Syringa vulgaris – Lilacs have fragrant flowers in spring and summer.
And some natives:
- Callistemons including ‘Kings Park Special’
- Eucalyptus mooreii ‘Little Sally’
- Eucalyptus ‘Euky Dwarf’
Plant a tree today